Your 9 to 5 work life shouldn’t deplete your mental health, but the truth is, many Canadians suffer silently at work. In fact, a whopping 47% of working Canadians agree that the most stressful part of their day is work and their place of work while 82% of employees with mental health issues indicate that it impacts their work. In honour of World Mental Health Day, here are 5 strategies to minimize workplace stress that can positively improve your quality of life.
Tips for dealing with mental health issues in the workplace:
1. Get a good night’s sleep
It’s time to turn off Netflix, put down the cell phone and treat yourself to a good night’s sleep! Research has proven a direct correlation between sleep deprivation and mental illness, meaning those late nights binge watching your favourite shows could be a threat to your mental health. Find yourself struggling to fall asleep at night? Consider these helpful tips!
2. Eat healthy at work
After all, you are what you eat! Chowing down on greasy, heavy foods in the middle of the day will leave you feeling bloated and all around terrible, especially at that 9 to 5 desk job. But poor nutrition affects much more than your physical health. From an increase in energy to improved concentration, eating healthy snacks and meals at work can help improve your overall mental state.
3. Take your breaks
Skipping breaks at work may make your day feel more productive but you’re doing a number on your mental state. Working nonstop 8 hours a day, 40 hours a week can leave you feeling burned out and mentally depleted. This is why small breaks during the day is the perfect way to recharge your batteries and get you ready to be at your best, benefitting your health and employers bottom line, all at the same time!
4. Stay active
The links between an active lifestyle and strong mental health are plentiful. Not only does physical activity release endorphins that are proven to make you feel energized and happy, exercise promotes all sorts of changes in the brain that helps you develop feelings of calmness and well-being. Your office job doesn’t have to keep you dormant! For active break ideas, or activities for mental health day, click here.
5. Talk it out
Expressing your feelings is essential to maintaining strong mental health. It can help you manage stressful periods and feel supported making challenging decisions. If you’re not quite comfortable discussing your feelings with a colleague or HR representative, explore the resources available to you. Review your company’s employee assistance program (EAP) and insurance benefits to see what is covered or ask your management team for further direction.